Conflicts: A thing that is misunderstood by many of us. Because somewhere we think it’s not important or it has no importance in life. When we are in those situations of pain, conflict or we are struggling to solve the puzzle of life, we miss the point of these conflicts. We forget that this is what makes us stronger. This is what made me stronger in the past. And I think that is the only thing that has the potential to make all of us stronger.
Puzzle of Life |
Everyone got challenges. Every person is facing some kind of conflict. The question is why we get these problems in life. Is it our bad behavior? Is it our wrongdoing? Why me?
I’m calling it a linear thinking when we think only superficially. Why not go deep, why not ask more questions or why not understand this nature of conflicts or problems.
I’m and I was very fascinated by these kinds of things in life so that I could understand the problem so deeply. I could understand people better.
The way I've understood is that It’s not always your fault that is causing you trouble. It is the nature of everything that is happening around us causing problems. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not.
If someone is lighting up a cigarette then the smoke will affect everyone that is within the area of smoke. So it’s not your fault but because you are in that zone and that’s why you are affected by it.
That’s it? No.
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